
ABC Company Fleet Savings Summary
250 work days
Fleet size 10
Avg ileage per vehicle per year 11000
Vehicle class Light/Medium Duty
Fuel saving p.a
Saving p.a 15%
Price per gallon $3.50
Miles per gallon 20
Total cost p.a all vehicles $19,250
Maintenance saving p.a
Saving p.a 14%
Profit per day $200
Days lost 50
Savings annual
Safety/insurance $28,000
Fuel $2,888
Maintenance $1,400
Productivity $30,000
Total Savings $62,288
Saving p.a 12%
Annual wage bill $250,000
Saving p.a 50%
Number of incidents 5
Cost of incidents $10,000
Saving p.a 15%
Cost of premiums $20,000